Above, a 13 December 2021 webcam look at the IT&C Primary Operations Facility

You may correctly notice that the above webcam photo does not look all that different from the one at right that I grabbed on 2 March 2020 (my coverage from then)...well, we know what happened. No significant construction happened in 2020-21, and in 2021-22 much of the work effort was devoted to the completion of the Ross Island Earth Station project. Meanwhile, here is a link to the live IT&C webcam view.
As for the IT&C, the only information I've seen recently is this November 2021 datacenterdynamics.com article "Data center refresh at US Antarctic base pushed back to 2023" article, which presumably/hopefully refers to the 2022-23 austral summer. And it refers to a future earth station platform on the roof...which might seem to be duplicating that nearly-completed Ross Island Earth Station. Hmmm....
The only other recent general construction photo of interest is this one at left...a recent December 2021 photo of the Chalet...boarded up...from Dale Pomraning. Per previous pre-COVID schedules, the NSF office space was moved elsewhere, and the Chalet was to be used as a "social space" while other venues such as the coffeehouse were torn down.